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11 traffic cops arrested in Limpopo for alleged corruption and bribery

Management Corporation's (RTMC) Anti-Corruption Unit (NTACU), together with the South African Police Service (SAPS) have arrested 11 traffic officers in Polokwane, for allegedly taking bribes from bus operators, taxi drivers and motorists travelling on the N1 highway between Polokwane and Musina. RTMC spokesperson, Simon Zwane, said the suspects, arrested on Friday, were identified after a lengthy investigation.  Zwane said the officers have been under investigation since March 2022, as part of an undercover operation called “coconut” which was targeting law enforcement officials involved in unethical and unlawful conduct which led to high crashes on the N1. “An investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Unit of the RTMC has so far revealed that Traffic officials operating along the N1 freeway and those inside towns and villages abandon their duties and drive to the N1 to carry out corrupt activities. “It is alleged that the officers stopped motorists and conducted i

Defensive Driving


Remember you and the other road users around you are only human; and humans make mistakes. A defensive driver does not just concentrate on his or her own actions, but anticipates the likely actions of other road users

 No matter how proficient your driving skills are, there are always ever-present dangers on the road. That’s because it’s sometimes irrelevant if you’re keeping to the speed limit and following all the rules of the road; if another driver is driving recklessly, there’s a high probability that you will be involved in an accident. The best way to avoid an accident is to adopt a technique called “defensive driving”. This concept refers to adopting a set of driving skills that help drivers protect themselves against possible collisions that could be caused by either bad driving, drunk driving or adverse weather conditions.

Here are some defensive driving techniques you should adopt:

  • Expect the unexpected – always assume that something can and will go wrong when you’re driving. As such, never be too relaxed, and always be on the lookout for a “curve ball” that could be thrown your way
  • Keep a steady speed – Driving within the speed limit will give you more time to react and avoid a collision
  • Be aware of other drivers’ actions – A key aspect of defensive driving is being aware of the actions of other drivers. By planning ahead according to what they might do, you will have the foresight as to how to avoid an accident
  • Respect other drivers – try not to be impatient with other drivers and avoid road rage at all costs – if you’re too aggressive, an accident could be waiting around the corner
  • Avoid distractions and be alert – it goes without saying that a good defensive driver is also on top of their own driving skills.  As such, make sure you’re not distracted on the road by your cell phone or the radio
  • Drive slowly in bad weather conditions – when conditions on the road are compromised due to bad weather, it is essential that you take the care to drive more cautiously than usual. Slow down considerably in rainy or very windy weather and be on the lookout for mishaps from other drivers.
  • Don’t make assumptions about the intentions of other drivers – often, accidents will be caused when assumptions re made about what other drivers are going to do. Never assume they are going to do something, and rather react to what they do while driving

Ultimately, while certain circumstances are out of your control, you do have the means at your disposal to avoid accidents. Stay safe on the road and happy travels


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