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11 traffic cops arrested in Limpopo for alleged corruption and bribery

Management Corporation's (RTMC) Anti-Corruption Unit (NTACU), together with the South African Police Service (SAPS) have arrested 11 traffic officers in Polokwane, for allegedly taking bribes from bus operators, taxi drivers and motorists travelling on the N1 highway between Polokwane and Musina. RTMC spokesperson, Simon Zwane, said the suspects, arrested on Friday, were identified after a lengthy investigation.  Zwane said the officers have been under investigation since March 2022, as part of an undercover operation called “coconut” which was targeting law enforcement officials involved in unethical and unlawful conduct which led to high crashes on the N1. “An investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Unit of the RTMC has so far revealed that Traffic officials operating along the N1 freeway and those inside towns and villages abandon their duties and drive to the N1 to carry out corrupt activities. “It is alleged that the officers stopped motorists and conducted i

what do you do on your first driving lesson?

Your first driving lesson with an instructor is an exciting milestone - but it can be pretty nerve-racking too.

It helps if you know what you first driving lesson will involve beforehand, so make sure you prepare. You'll pick things up much easier if they're familiar to you and you feel confident about what happens next.
Don't worry - you're not going to have to get in the driving seat straight away. You'll be getting in the passenger seat to start with, while your instructor takes you to a quiet place for you to get to grips with the basics. 
When you've arrived at a quiet road with low traffic, your instructor will have you switch so you're in the driving seat. That’s a great feeling! 

Your instructor will explain the cockpit drill to introduce you to the checks you'll need to do every time you drive, so listen carefully. Before long you’ll be doing these checks instinctively

 The cockpit drill:

Doors securely closed?
Seat in a comfortable position?
Steering position established?
Seatbelts on?
Mirrors adjusted?

Next, you'll get a run-through of the clutch, accelerator and brake, how to use the handbrake and indicator, and how to change gear. You won’t be expected to be an expert in gear-changing straight away either, so don’t be too hard on yourself if that takes a little while to figure out

Here’s what you'll likely learn about in your first lesson:

Moving off: getting ready to use your gears
Clutch control including finding the biting point
Checking your mirrors and blind spot
Signalling with your indicator
Changing gear
Stopping the car, covering the brake and the clutch. 

It’s normal to be nervous when you're learning to drive - and you’re not expected to master everything straight away. Driving is something you get better at with time and practice. Even drivers who’ve been on the road for years are still improving. So don't worry about making a mistake - your instructor's seen it all before. 

Remember your Learners licence - your instructor will check that you have it. You can't legally be behind the wheel without one so it's an absolute must for your first driving lesson.

Pick out a practical outfit. Try to wear something comfortable that you can move around in and avoid any restrictive clothing and footwear. High heels and flip flops, in particular, aren’t ideal when driving. 
It’s normal to feel anxious about your first lesson. Your instructor is trained to put you at ease, so you’ll be able to soak in everything you learn. Take a deep breath and relax. You’ll soon find yourself enjoying the drive. 


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