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11 traffic cops arrested in Limpopo for alleged corruption and bribery

Management Corporation's (RTMC) Anti-Corruption Unit (NTACU), together with the South African Police Service (SAPS) have arrested 11 traffic officers in Polokwane, for allegedly taking bribes from bus operators, taxi drivers and motorists travelling on the N1 highway between Polokwane and Musina. RTMC spokesperson, Simon Zwane, said the suspects, arrested on Friday, were identified after a lengthy investigation.  Zwane said the officers have been under investigation since March 2022, as part of an undercover operation called “coconut” which was targeting law enforcement officials involved in unethical and unlawful conduct which led to high crashes on the N1. “An investigation by the National Anti-Corruption Unit of the RTMC has so far revealed that Traffic officials operating along the N1 freeway and those inside towns and villages abandon their duties and drive to the N1 to carry out corrupt activities. “It is alleged that the officers stopped motorists and conducted i

Parallel Parking Tips

 When it comes to the parallel parking, many students find it to be one of those parkings that is difficult to do, butt the truth is it is one of the most easy ones.

you can do a parallel parking in two moves, 1 full sharp turn in and 1 full sharp turn out.

the only question is when should you start turn and start turn back ?

first what is the parallel parking ?

Parallel parking is a reverse parking maneuver.  It starts in a block (starting point) from where the applicant has to reverse the vehicle into a parking bay and stop once the vehicle, including all mirrors, etc. is within the parameters of the parking bay, without touching any of the poles or the pavement.  The parallel parking has to be completed from both the left side and the right side.

The examiner shall inform the applicant of the following:

 stopping is permissible at any stage.

 a 2nd (final) attempt may be made if the 1st attempt was unsuccessful, provided that no obstacle has been touched or the kerb mounted.

The examiner shall instruct the applicant to:

position vehicle at starting point,

 only three (3) movements shall be permitted, the first movement being a reverse movement into the parking bay, and two further movements to position the vehicle within the parking bay without touching any obstacle or mounting the kerb.

 a 2nd (final) attempt may be made if the 1st attempt was unsuccessful, provided that no obstacle has been touched or the kerb mounted.

when doing the parallel parking or any other parking on the yard test you must remember that you have to always keep the car slow while entering and keep the car in motion, this will make the parking work out perfectly.

if car is entering the parking to fast you wil end up on the shoulder, the car would be there before you have the time to reacted ( turning the wheels ) .

when i do the parallel parking i tell the students to keep car slow and hands fast.

there is a lot of ways to do the parallel parking, for me the best way is to turn at the correct spots ( 1st pole close to you, and then on the last pole ).

you only need to turn 2 time's fully ( turn until wheels lock ) remember you only need to be in the parking for the test to be done and moving to the next obstacle.

you are not inside the town you are doing a test,you won't find pole's in town to help you.

parallel parking in town will be little different from doing it for the test considering you are in a yard with pole's and line' ext.

there is also the small things to keep in mind when doing a parking for example:

how fast do you go in.

how fast do you turn.

is your hands fast or slow on steering wheel while turning.

here is a video to explain as well.

The final placement of the complete vehicle is of no importance as long as it is fully within the demarcated parking bay.


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